Helping people

progress on their spiritual

journey with Jesus.


We're so glad you found us! Our mission at Journey Church is to help people make progress on their spiritual journey with Jesus. Once someone makes the decision to follow Jesus, we want to partner with them to live out their faith.

**Launching people into their greatest purpose.**

Sometimes in the busyness of life, we can get caught up in going through the motions and just getting by. We forget that we were created on purpose, for a purpose. At Journey, we are passionate about living intentionally and fulfilling our God-given purpose. Every week, we are focused on launching and equipping people to live out their greatest purpose - to love God and love others.

We define a launched person as someone who is:

  1. Reading scripture, daily.
  2. Connected to other believers by participating in a discussion group.
  3. Praying for and investing in the people God has supernaturally placed in your life - your Front Row.
Nice to meet you!

Welcome friend, my name is Tim.

I am the lead pastor here at Journey.

About me:
- Grew up as a pastor's kid
- I love living in Elk Grove
- Married to my best friend
- My favorite food is shrimp burritos
- Getting to witness people take their next step in faith is my favorite part of being a pastor!

more about me